Sunday, 12 September 2010

Growth Spurt

We have been noticing how much Ivy has been eating lately - she used to sit back and let Jack have the main share of the crickets and cockroaches, but over the past few weeks she has basically wrestled him for food, and at one point was trying to eat a cricket out of Jack's mouth! All of this eating has led to a big growth spurt, and Ivy now appears to be longer than Jack - at least her tail definitely is - and it has meant that she is now shedding her skin again!! Jack is showing no signs of shedding, but Ivy has now almost completely shed all of her skin. Here is a photographic journal of the highly attractive process that is the shedding of skin...
It begins with a bit of shedding on her tail...

Her tail has finished shedding, now it's her legs' turn..
Oh dear...this is how I found her when I came home today...
her legs and tail have shed their old skin, and now her whole torso and head are shedding, it's really quite freaky!!

Poor Ivy...she won't be winning a dragin beauty pageant today
A fully-shedding Ivy in her favourite tree
Handsome Jack looks on with signs of him shedding any time soon...

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