Friday, 25 June 2010

Dinner time!

Every afternoon Aaron comes home from work and feeds the babies. Ivy's favourite foods appears to be crickets, and Jack prefers cockroaches.  The insects are coated in multi-vitamin calcium powder to ensure Jack and Ivy are receiving adequate nutrition.
Tonight Jack was being very greedy, and ate one of Ivy's cockroaches - he is definitely a boy.
The following pics are of Ivy polishing off a cricket.
Warning - the following content contains some graffic images and may not be suitable for faint-hearted people or those who get upset at the sight of a lizard eating a cricket...

Yum! Crunchy crickets:

Down the hatch!

All gone!


  1. I recognize that look. That's the "where's desert?" look. Very easy to spot, but commonly mistaken for the "I will eat you!" look. Probably better you got the small version off these things.

  2. Haha, I often think "thank God they're so small" coz they really look like hungry little dinosaurs!
